Enjoy composition with the online Charanga composition tools.

Want to know more about Charanga’s composing tools?

We’ll focus on the composition activities from many of the Scheme units. Our variety of composition tools can also be used to support a range of musical activities including pulse games, listening skills and the introduction of notations.

Date: Tuesday 31st January 2023

Time: 16:00-17:30

Venue: The Oaks Primary School

Address: Bells Lane, Druids Heath, Birmingham

Postcode: B14 5RY

The above CPD training event is designed for schools / teachers who are currently familiar with the Charanga scheme. Participants will leave with a range of resources and practical strategies to help support the teaching of composition and improvisation in KS1 and KS2.

In order to register to attend this event, please click on the link HERE.